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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: Working safely in public

In this interactive 3D training course, your employees learn what they need to pay attention to in order to be able to work safely in public. While the course participants accompany the protagonist Chloe as she goes about her work, they familiarize themselves with important topics such as shoulder surfing, access protection, internet use, VPN, public charging stations and much more.

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Working safely in public: Why is this course important?

In today's work environment, where mobility and flexibility are becoming increasingly important, the topic of cybersecurity in public spaces is gaining significance. The Cyber Security course "Safe Work in Public Spaces" addresses this challenge directly and offers comprehensive training on the most critical security aspects essential in everyday professional life. This course covers key topics such as the transportation of IT devices and documents, protection against shoulder surfing, access protection, safe use of the internet and VPNs, precautions for public charging stations, the security of conversations in public spaces, and the handling of forgotten and unattended items. The following explains why this course is crucial for daily work.

Transportation of IT Devices and Documents
Many employees are regularly on the move, carrying sensitive data on their laptops, tablets, or smartphones. The course teaches how to transport IT devices and important documents safely to avoid loss or theft. This includes practical tips on secure storage and carrying of devices, as well as recommendations for special security bags and cases.

Shoulder Surfing
Shoulder surfing, the act of spying on screen content over someone's shoulder, poses a significant security risk. In this course, participants learn how to protect their screens from prying eyes, for example, by using privacy filters or strategically choosing seating positions in public spaces. The course also offers behavioral guidelines for working in busy environments to minimize risk.

Access Protection
Another focus of the course is access protection. This involves preventing unauthorized access to IT devices and systems. The course explains the importance of strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and regular software updates. It also covers how to implement secure yet user-friendly access methods.

Internet and VPN
Using public Wi-Fi networks carries substantial risks. The course teaches participants how to navigate public networks securely by using VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to encrypt their internet connections. Additionally, it covers safe browsing practices and how to handle potentially dangerous websites.

Public Charging Stations
Public charging stations can also pose a security risk as they may be tampered with to steal data from connected devices. The course provides valuable tips on minimizing this risk by using USB data blockers or portable power banks.

Conversations in Public Spaces
Confidential conversations in public spaces can easily be overheard by unauthorized persons. The course raises participants' awareness of this risk and offers recommendations on how best to protect sensitive information, such as choosing more secluded locations or using encrypted communication channels.

Forgotten and Unattended Items
Forgetting or leaving IT devices and documents unattended poses a significant security problem. The course trains participants to remain vigilant at all times and provides practical tips to minimize risk, such as using checklists and reminders.

The "Safe Work in Public Spaces" course is crucial for anyone who regularly works outside the office. The knowledge and skills conveyed help ensure the security of sensitive data and devices, protecting both employees and the company from potential security incidents. In an era where cybercrime is continually increasing, this course offers indispensable knowledge for the safe handling of IT in public spaces.

More online courses

In addition to this comprehensive training, we offer a variety of other online courses to improve your professional skills. Our courses cover a wide range of topics. Each course has been developed by industry experts and provides practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply to your work.

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