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Online course: Whistleblowing - whistleblower protection

Have you witnessed wrongdoing in your working environment and want to expose it to avoid negative consequences for those affected? But should you really become a whistleblower or do you then have to fear personal consequences? The EU Whistleblowing Directive and its national transpositions give you special protection as a whistleblower. In this course, you will learn what you can report and how, and what protection you enjoy.

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Whistleblowing - whistleblower protection: Why is this course important?

The online course "Whistleblowing" provides essential knowledge and skills to promote ethical behavior and transparency in the workplace. Whistleblowing is a critical tool for uncovering illegal activities and misconduct within an organization. This course comprehensively covers the following areas:

What Can Be Reported?
It is important to understand what types of violations can be reported. The course explains that whistleblowing can address a variety of issues, including fraud, corruption, environmental violations, safety breaches, and other illegal or unethical practices.

Who Is Protected?
Employees who report misconduct need special protection against retaliation. The course explains who is protected as a whistleblower and under what circumstances this protection applies. This includes protection from dismissal, discrimination, and other adverse consequences.

Internal and External Reporting Channels
A key part of the course is distinguishing between internal and external reporting channels. The course explains when and how to approach internal channels such as compliance departments or supervisors and when it is appropriate to inform external channels like regulatory authorities or the media.

Protection for Whistleblowers
Protecting whistleblowers is crucial to creating a safe environment for reporting misconduct. The course covers the legal and internal measures in place to protect whistleblowers, including anonymity and confidentiality.

How to Make a Report
The course provides practical guidance on how to make a report correctly and safely. This includes using specific reporting platforms, submitting written reports, and having direct conversations with the relevant authorities. It explains what information should be included in a report to facilitate an effective investigation.

What to Consider When Making a Report
A well-prepared report increases the chances of a successful investigation. The course offers advice on what details and evidence should be gathered before making a report. It also explains the conduct rules for the reporting process to avoid misunderstandings and errors.

Communication following a report is very important. The course shows how whistleblowers can receive feedback on the progress and outcome of their report. Transparent and regular feedback strengthens trust in the whistleblowing process.

Publication of Reports
In some cases, disclosing information to the public may be justified. The course explains when and how this should be done and the risks and benefits involved. It emphasizes that public disclosure should generally be considered a last resort.

The online course "Whistleblowing" is indispensable for promoting an ethical work environment and uncovering illegal activities within an organization. The knowledge and skills imparted in the course help employees report misconduct safely and effectively without fear of retaliation. Participation in this course not only raises awareness of the importance of whistleblowing but also strengthens trust in the integrity and transparency of the organization.

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