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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: New Cyber-Security for Production Staff

The security of sensitive information and data is also extremely important for companies in industrial production. Ensuring information security is crucial for smooth operations. This training course, especially for employees of production companies, provides basic knowledge on these topics and addresses the special requirements of the industrial sector. This can reduce the risk of industrial espionage and production downtime.

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New Cyber-Security for Production Staff: Why is this course important?

The Cyber Security course "Information Security for Production Employees" enhances the security competencies of employees and ensures that sensitive information and systems remain protected. Production employees often have access to critical company data and systems, and it is crucial for them to be aware of potential risks and their responsibilities. The course covers various important areas essential for information security in the production environment.

Forgotten Documents
Forgotten or unattended documents can pose a significant security risk. The course emphasizes the importance of always securing documents and not leaving them unattended. Employees learn how to protect confidential information and ensure that no sensitive data is left behind.

Internal Information
Protecting internal information is crucial for safeguarding company secrets and strategies. The course teaches how to classify internal information and handle it according to its sensitivity. This includes the secure handling of both digital and physical information.

Photography Ban
Photography is often strictly prohibited in production areas to protect sensitive information and technologies. The course explains the reasons behind the photography ban and how employees can avoid and report violations.

Social Engineering
Social engineering is a common method used to manipulate employees into divulging confidential information. The course raises awareness of this threat and provides strategies for recognizing and protecting against suspicious activities.

USB Sticks and Machines
USB sticks and other removable storage devices can spread malware and jeopardize production machines. The course teaches how to use such devices safely and minimize potential risks. This includes controlling and monitoring connected devices.

Mobile IT Devices
Mobile IT devices like smartphones and tablets are often used in production environments. The course provides guidelines for the secure use of these devices, including data encryption, using secure networks, and ensuring that devices are always secure and up-to-date.

Commissioning New Systems
Commissioning new systems in production requires special security measures. The course outlines how to safely introduce new systems, including conducting security tests and training employees on how to use the new technologies.

Group Credentials
Group credentials pose a security risk as they are often used by multiple people. The course explains the risks and offers alternatives such as individual access credentials and the use of multi-factor authentication to enhance security.

A secure network is the backbone of any production environment. The course covers best practices for network security, including network segmentation, using firewalls, and regularly reviewing and updating security protocols.

Remote Access for Suppliers
Suppliers often need access to production systems, which can be a potential security risk. The course teaches how to set up and monitor secure remote access to ensure that only authorized personnel have access and that data remains protected.

Handling Security Incidents
Despite all precautions, security incidents can occur. The course teaches how employees should respond in the event of a security incident, including reporting the incident, containing the damage, and restoring systems.

The Cyber Security course "Information Security for Production Employees" is essential for ensuring security in the production environment. The knowledge and skills imparted help employees recognize and mitigate risks, protecting the company from potential threats. This course promotes a security-conscious culture and ensures the integrity of production systems and data.

More online courses

In addition to this comprehensive training, we offer a variety of other online courses to improve your professional skills. Our courses cover a wide range of topics. Each course has been developed by industry experts and provides practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply to your work.

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